Voice of a Believer

El chocolate que se derrite en tu boca, no en tu mano



We are a new local business based in South London and are looking to get a full package to enable us to really ‘make tracks’ and help us launch quickly with a solid branding, logos and design.

Our business, The Kentish Belle, will have a slight railway slant thanks to our location. We are looking to see a logo created using the photo of the train, which is 34059 ‘Sir Archibald Sinclair’ should you need more photographs via search engines, but in a more cartoon-ised form. We want it to have a bit of an art-deco hit, too.

We have also included the two key colours: Southern Railway olive green and gold. These should be used but we can accept some changes so long as homage is paid to the history of this great company.


We are a new local business based in South London and are looking to get a full package to enable us to really ‘make tracks’ and help us launch quickly with a solid branding, logos and design. Our business, The Kentish Belle, will have a slight railway slant thanks to our location. We are looking to see a logo created using the photo of the train, which is 34059 ‘Sir Archibald Sinclair’ should you need more photographs via search engines, but in a more cartoon-ised form. We want it to have a bit of an art-deco hit, too.
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